Nuno R. B. Martins, PhD



Dr. Martins talk at the international conference “Tomorrow Conference” in Belgrade, Serbia.

Dr. Martins Talk | Brain Bar 2022 | Budapest

By now, Brain Bar is Europe’s biggest festival on the future, where the young audience meets foreign scientists, politicians and busi-nessmen to discuss the burning questions of the 21st century.


Dr. Martins panel moderation at the international conference “Tomorrow Conference” in Belgrade, Serbia.


Dr Martins delivering a Keynote talk at the WEBIT international conference, in Sofia, Bulgaria.


Dr. Martins talk at the international conference the Festival of Consciousness, in Barcelona, Spain.


Dr Martins talk at The inaugural women’s health R&D AthenaDAO Summit, in the city of Cascais, Portugal.

Dr. Martins panel with Dr Ben Goertzel, Dr Jean Hebert, and 'human-like' robot Grace

Dr. Martins sharing the stage, as a panelist, with world famous roboticist Dr Ben Goertzel, and Albert Einstein College of Medicine professor Dr Jean Hebert, as well as the world’s first ‘human-like’ healthcare robot Grace.

Dr. Martins talk "OUR FUTURE: the truth about a post-longevity world

Dr. Martins on stage providing a talk: “OUR FUTURE: the truth about a post-longevity world” for more than 2 thousand attendees in San Diego California in the United States.

Dr. Martins Talk

Dr. Martins providing a presentation in an international conference. The conference was a groundbreaking conference (attended by approximately one thousand attendees), where Dr. Martins presented along with amazing celebrities, such as: the visionary billionaire Peter Nygard, the always inspiring Suzanne Somers, and the famous futurist Ray Kurzweil, among many other celebrities… Dr. Martins makes easy the understanding of technically challenging subjects, making accessible to the general audience the most difficult problems.

Dr Martins Featured in Phoenix Info News Channel

Phoenix Info News Channel, part of one of the 10 most popular chinese TV Channels, featuring the amazing international conference SVIEF, where Dr. Martins was one of the Keynote Speakers in the 9th SVIEF in 2019. The 9th SVIEF was held on Sep 7th-8th, 2019 at Santa Clara Convention Center, in California, USA. SVIEF features 100+ high-profile world renown speakers, and attracts over 10,000 attendees from all over the world. This year’s SVIEF theme was ” Beyond the Next Revolution”.

Dr. Martins receiving the SVIEF “Apollo” Science Award Prize

Dr. Martins receiving the SVIEF “Apollo” Science Award Prize. The prize was deliver by the amazing visionary and entrepreneur Jack McCauley, Founder and President of McCauley Labs, and Founder of Oculus RIFT.

Dr. Martins panel of Debate Global Innovation Leaders’ Summit

Dr. Martins participation on the panel of Debate “Global Innovation Leaders’ Summit”, Moderated by world famous investor Wu Jun, Founding Partner of Fengyuan Capital, along with three remarkable panelists: Dr. Qian Xiang, Chief Physician at Stanford University School of Medicine and Affiliated Hospital, Investor Yang Lei, Founding Partner of WestSummit Capital, and the inspiring entrepreneur and visionary Jack McCauley, founder and president of McCauley Labs, and Founder of Oculus RIFT.

Dr. Martins at Santa Clara Convention Center, in California, USA, at SVIEF.

Dr. Martins being introduced to his Keynote Presentation for over 10,000 attendees from all over the world, at Santa Clara Convention Center, in California, USA, at SVIEF.

RT Television Featuring Dr. Martins Research Paper

RT television network news featuring Dr. Martins Research Paper “Human Brain Cloud Interface” published in the journal “Frontiers of Neuroscience” and now the 2nd most read paper ever under section Neural Technology.

Speakers at 2019 SVIEF

Some of the amazing speakers of the 9th SVIEF international conference, held on Sep 7th-8th, 2019 at Santa Clara Convention Center, in California, USA. SVIEF features 100+ high-profile world renown speakers, and attracts over 10,000 attendees from all over the world. This year’s SVIEF theme was ” Beyond the Next Revolution “.

SVIEF 2019

Some of the amazing speakers of the 9th SVIEF international conference, held on Sep 7th-8th, 2019 at Santa Clara Convention Center, in California, USA. SVIEF features 100+ high-profile world renown speakers, and attracts over 10,000 attendees from all over the world. This year’s SVIEF theme was ” Beyond the Next Revolution “.

Dr. Martins Panel of Debate With Dr José Cordeiro, Dr. Ben Goertzel and Dr. David Wood

Dr. Martins panel of Debate participation, with the inspiring and energetic Dr. José Cordeiro, artificial intelligence researcher Ben Goertzel, and writer and speaker David Wood.

Dr. Martins on Education and HBCI

Dr. Martins talk for over 10,000 attendees from all over the world, on the future of Education considering Human Brain Cloud Interface systems.

Dr. Martins on AGI and HBCI

Dr. Martins short mention to how to transform Artificial General Intelligence into an upgrading technology, using Human Brain Cloud Interface systems.

Dr. Martins VR and AR and HBCI

Dr. Martins talk for over 10,000 attendees from all over the world, on the future of Conferences, Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality.

Dr. Martins on Medicine and HBCI

Dr. Martins’ talk for over 10,000 attendees from all over the world, on the future of Medicine in an are of Human Brain Cloud Interface systems.